Castle Combe 100 Miles from London

Castle Combe by RoamingXplorer

Castle Combe, a charming village in the Cotswold of England. I visited the village in 2023 as part of a high school reunion trip and was immediately captivated by its timeless charm, rustic elegance, and rich history.

Castle Combe is a picturesque village perfect for tourists looking to experience the beauty of the English countryside. I was struck by the narrow country lanes, ancient stone walls, and overhanging trees that led to the village. Upon entering, they were greeted by honey-colored stone cottages adorned with vibrant flower boxes and creeping ivy, which gave the village a rustic elegance that transported us to a bygone era.

Castle Combe Market Square

The heart of Castle Combe is its market square, which features a medieval market cross surrounded by charming tearooms, shops, and a historic hotel. The author found the square to be postcard-worthy and it reminded them of a movie set. The author also enjoyed exploring the picturesque countryside surrounding the village, which featured lush green fields, babbling streams, and rustic footbridges.

Throughout the visit, the author appreciated the warmth and friendliness of the locals. They enjoyed chatting with shopkeepers, enjoying a cup of tea in a cozy tearoom, and experiencing the sense of community that was palpable throughout the village.

Castle Combe by RoamingXplorer

As the sun set and cast a golden glow over Castle Combe, the author couldn’t shake the feeling that they had stepped into a storybook world and become a part of its narrative, if only for a moment. The experience left a deep impression on the author, who would carry the memories of Castle Combe with them for years to come. Overall, the unspoiled charm and rich history of Castle Combe made it a place the author would never forget.
